Freebie Friday: Clutter Free Living Workbook & Discount Code To Get Into The Course

Sponsored By THE UNCLUTTERED PROJECT If you’re new here, get cozy we’ve got a lot of good stuff going on. The Uncluttered Project is on a mission to help you eliminate the overload, break free from anything and everything that is invading your space; mentally, physically and emotionally. What I love about this course is …

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Freebie Friday: Lazy Moms Guide To Cleaning Code

This weeks giveaway for Freebie Friday is a guide all moms could use to help eliminate the overload with house cleaning. Go more minimal with ease and let go of everything that’s invading your space. If you have yet to join The Uncluttered Project, head over and get a jumpstart on your spring cleaning. Decluttering …

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6 Musts When Cleaning Your Home Daily

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a very stress free house cleaner and that means there’s musts when cleaning your home daily. Some of you follow cleaning trends that focus on deep cleans every so often. Whether that’s once a month, every other month or just a deep spring cleaning; as in …

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Minimal Cleaning Checklist [Free Download]

A simple cleaning checklist to make sure you get everything done throughout the week. Don’t stress, do things in small sections and get a jump start on your spring clean! If you’re looking for a decluttering challenge this is such a perfect time of year to begin your journey. Welcome to Freebie Friday– I’ve been …

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6 Simple Ways To Start Living Like A Minimalist

Start living like a minimalist today by simply incorporating these tips into your lifestyle. When I first learned about minimalism, I realized that I have been living minimal my entire life. Growing up, we barely had food on the table let alone furniture to lie on. I finally understood what the term actually meant and …

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18 Things You Can Do To Provide Extra Self Care To Yourself

Ever wonder why we forget to take care of ourselves? In today’s article it’s all about how you can regain that inner self love and provide more care each day moving forwards. One of the things I love about taking care of myself in my 40’s, is that I no longer feel guilty for doing …

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Original ‘Mommy Blogger’ Dooce Dead At 47

Heather Armstrong, aka Dooce, queen of mommy blogging, dead at age 47. Her style of writing offended many, but she grew an online presence by being the ‘tyrant’ of all blogs. Long time boyfriend confirmed that her passing was by suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling with a crisis and need help …

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How To Turn Your Blog Into A Money Making Machine

Blogging has become more and more of a business opportunity rather than just a passion of mine. When I first started a mom blog back on Blogger, it was just that. But, as the years go by, the ideas of crafting any WordPress website into a money making machine is genius. Building a community, supporting …

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Freebie Friday : A Chemical Free Living Workbook

In this workbook you’ll find mindfulness activities along with chemical free inspiration to help you go more minimal in your homes and lives. Living toxic free is something I’ve been practicing for years. It’s a calming nature like no other. There are several sheets you can print and write your own answers on. Freebie Friday …

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