In this workbook you’ll find mindfulness activities along with chemical free inspiration to help you go more minimal in your homes and lives. Living toxic free is something I’ve been practicing for years. It’s a calming nature like no other. There are several sheets you can print and write your own answers on.

Freebie Friday Chemical Free Workbook Download
- List all the cleaning products in your home right now sheet
- What are you most grateful for
- Describe your wealthy home
- Several famous, inspirational quotes throughout
- Who am I
- Write yourself a letter
- Less cleaning, more living questions
- If you won a tiny home…
- Your story fill in the blanks
- Brain exercises
- Best tips to conquer on a daily basis

Stay tuned for more Freebie Friday fun. Connect with us on IG and until next time, more coffee please!
30 Days To Declutter Your Home
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