6 Simple Ways To Start Living Like A Minimalist

Start living like a minimalist today by simply incorporating these tips into your lifestyle. When I first learned about minimalism, I realized that I have been living minimal my entire life. Growing up, we barely had food on the table let alone furniture to lie on. I finally understood what the term actually meant and why it has always been a part of my life; I have been a minimalist all along…I just never realized that.

How To Start Living Like A Minimalist

Going minimal is a slow transition especially if you have a lot of belongings. I use an 8 step system when working with clients because there is no rhyme or reason when you’ve lived a certain lifestyle for so long. It just doesn’t happen overnight. It’s definitely a work in progress and something that needs daily attention, mindfulness and determination. You can get a better understanding of how I value it in the blogging world as well.

Becoming minimalist doesn’t mean you lose the things you love. It just means you learn to let go ever so effortlessly of the things you don’t value.

The Uncluttered Project is a great way to get a jump start on this journey. If you suffer from any type of mental illness that prevents you from healthy living, I encourage you to join! It’s life changing.

Feeling heavy is one of the things I, myself have struggled with throughout my life. The burden, the stuff, the clutter…it all prevents us from breathing. When we have a lot of things it makes us feel like there’s extra added weight on our shoulders.

6 Simple Ways To Start Living Like A Minimalist

  • Get rid of something small every single day for the next 30 days. I specifically look for products I never use, expired food, dinnerware that just hoards space, clothing that is no longer fitting, decor that doesn’t fit my style anymore. These things have to go. So dedicate tossing something away daily. One thing a day to start and then do more as the days go by. There’s no excuses. Just toss.
  • Learn more about Feng Shui. This helped me to understand the energy that I wanted in our home. You can start living like a minimalist simply by practicing these basic Chinese rituals. The first step is eliminating clutter.
  • Nothing on the floors rule. If you find a lot of stuff gets stacked on your floors or thrown in a corner, simply make it a rule that the floor is not a storage unit. Having a home for everything will help organize your home ten times better and allow you to feel the freedom inside your open living space.

Over the past few years I have purchased smaller fitting pieces of furniture.

Instead of buying a big coffee table I opted for a wood side table that’s easy to place wherever I am sitting at the moment. I typically find them on clearance at Target or Home Goods. We currently have 2. One in the living area and one in the bedroom. One is round and one is square. It’s perfect to swap from room to room, as I like to rearrange and redecorate often.

Another piece of furniture we chose to go with was platform beds. They are available in wood or metal. They fit in spaces easily. Having no headboard is something I also made a decision on because they just accumulate a lot of dust. It’s 10X easier to clean when there isn’t a lot of stuff. But this one comes with one built in.

When it comes to furniture I always stick to the 3 piece rule. No more than three big pieces of furniture to a room. Honestly when you have less it’s just so much easier to maintain the cleanliness of the home.

Going Minimal – less is the new more

I use a numbers system when living minimal. In the kitchen I focus on the amount of dinnerware that I really need to have in the cupboard space. Do you need to stack the plates to the next shelf level? No. If you have 4 people in the family X by 2. So 8 plates, 8 cups and 8 bowls. Often I will peek inside the cabinets to see if it’s getting stuffed. Is anything getting thrown in there that doesn’t belong?

  • Match dishes- this helps so much in terms of organizing and keeping things to a minimum. I find all of our white/off white bowls and heavy duty plates at ReStore. They’re like .50 cents to a dollar a piece.
  • Transfer food and no tox cleaning products into glass jars or containers. It alleviates space and doesn’t feel so cluttered with original boxes and packaging. Looks nicer too. I just recently put my baking soda in jars. Here’s some more budget friendly storage ideas.
  • When it comes to clothing- purge closets monthly until you get your wardrobe down to 5-10 pieces each. That goes for shoes too. Don’t collect jeans or shoes or purses and bags anymore. Donate or sell.

These are simple ways to start living like a minimalist if you have been anxious about decluttering and learning to let go! This is such a perfect time to freshen your YOU game and embrace some new energy. 

Don’t forget to join our minimalism, no tox community! We just started this group and you’re totally invited.

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