The simple way to gain Instagram followers that won’t leave you stressed and obsessed. What I absolutely love about social media is that you can learn so much over the years. And I’m that boss mama that is going to say this very loud and clear:
You don’t need to stress about growing authentically & organically.
These Organic Instagram Hacks Are Key

A lot of growth comes from specific niches. Fashion being huge on Instagram. The key to growing quickly is all in how often you use the platform + how well you use these specific strategies. Posting daily at least 2-3 times gets you to show up more according to the recent algorithm.
You have to consistently run ads in order to gain 100 likes on a post and that’s not worth it to me. I have been on social media for well over 10 years and know what works. If you follow me on Coffee Addict Mama you will probably say, “Okay, she doesn’t have that many followers so, who is she to preach!?” Allow me to explain: the way the algorithm works is by using these 3 tips to grow your Instagram accounts organically. Or, any social media account for that matter. I do this on Twitter all of the time. However, I also take breaks and this is when I see a decrease in numbers. Instagram being the worst. They take away followers faster than SH+T!
The proof is in the numbers, the connections and the income that you can make. My first clients from a cleaning business I started was from Instagram. I had 160 followers. So that’s proof that technically numbers don’t mean anything. Or do they? In my opinion when it comes to IG, yes. In all reality you want a good following so that you get about 1/4 of them to convert into paying customers.
I needed to grow that account to at least 160 followers in order to receive 2 new clients. You have to have at least some type of following to begin the process. That leads to our first tip.
This post has been updated with new algorithm tips as seen in the video below!
How To Grow Your Instagram Organically
- Follow potential clients or friends in your niche. For instance, it helps to visit other accounts in your niche to see who’s following them. Start following them and see if they return the follow. I have built numerous social media accounts that have brought me in an income by targeting the right audience. I went and searched the hashtag #housecleaning just to see what popped up! This is where I started my cleaning business. Since it was a service I offered outside the home, I had to start following people in those areas. So, if you’re looking to make money in Chicago, search those hashtags related to that city. Same goes for fashion bloggers and health coaches. Follow moms and millennial’s that love outfit posts, wellness, etc. And let me make it very clear that you have to start following people to get followed. Using hashtags alone will not work. How are these people going to know you exist if you don’t set out to follow. My personal tip: follow a good number of people you find interesting/in your niche, a couple times a week- that way you don’t overwhelm.

- Use the 3 trick rule – I always try to post 3 times a day on Instagram when I’m looking to skyrocket my numbers because the algorithm just works that way. The more you post, the more you learn what works and what doesn’t. I end up completely failing at this after a while and give up (because it’s exhausting). But, I have watched my numbers grow instantly from doing this. Post, share stories and start using IGTV/REELS. If you need a break, by golly take one! No one needs to sell their soul to the IG devil. Set a goal to at least post frequently. So I generally like to do a regular post, then a few stories, then a reel but to be honest if you don’t like them it would be best to never start doing them. Just stick to what you know you can do.
- Connect || Build Relationships – in my experience, people love to work with you, not against you! Post your story with your pic, questions for engagement and respond to comments/messages. My other tip for connecting : share new friends in your stories. If you look at my highlighted features, we go through and do this often! It really puts a smile on someone’s face!! Community over competition.
That’s actually a very popular hashtag #communityovercompetition That’s also why my numbers aren’t SO HIGH. I find success in smaller communities than with big ones and I’m not about to sell my soul to earn a dollar! Until next time, more coffee please!
If you have a topic you’d like me to discuss or you’d like to work with me, let’s collab! Enjoy your weekend. Coming soon- popular hashtags to use on IG to boost those likes + followers! Here’s a few for my boss babes – #bosslifestyle #bossup #bossmama #workfromphone #workfromhomemum #mampreneur #instamomclub #momswhoblog #ladybosslife #beyourownboss #growyourbrand #organicmarketing
Learn more about Instagram Influencers and get inspired.
Bonus Tip ++ I also believe that people love to follow people with a cohesive feed! Looking to grow your business in 6 months or less? Follow these tips.
Great way to start an instagram!