Hello Mama’s, here’s 6 ways to make your homes smell fresh and clean naturally without the chemicals. As an added bonus I’ve edited this post with kitchen and bathroom cleaning tips as well. The trick to constantly keeping your homes ‘smelling clean’ is to actually clean. But that’s not the only thing. There’s tons of ways to keep a home fresh! I’m so glad you’re here because since going no-tox, I’ve been able to maintain a beautifully smelling home with no harsh chemicals. Oh, and we have pets too.
6 Ways To Make Your Homes Smell Naturally Fresh & Clean
The first tip is to declutter. I know that many times the funky odors can be hidden behind items like furniture, clothing, appliances and sometimes underneath the surface. So the best way to start your naturally fresh smelling clean home experience is to remove as much stuff as you possibly can.
Cleaning Tips For A Fresh Clean Smelling Home
- Declutter– I cannot tell you how much of a difference it makes when you get rid of things you don’t need. Items that collect dust and take up too much space in a house causes unwanted, funky odors. Don’t think, just toss.
- When actually cleaning, start with a thorough, detailed clean in each room. Not all in the same day but overall a healthy clean (top to bottom). Eliminating dust on window blinds, fans, behind the headboard, baseboards and vents makes it so much easier to breathe. You need a decent vacuum, a hand mitt duster and a broom duster.
- Vacuum– when bringing out the vacuum, pay attention to baseboards and under the beds, closets and furniture (under, behind and within)
- Wash linens weekly– you have no idea how important this is. It not only helps get rid of odors but prevents allergens and dust mites from crawling all over your skin. The percentage of sweat one puts off during the hours that we sleep is enough to create unwanted odors alone.
- Surface cleaning needs to be done daily. It’s a lifestyle, not a chore. Take 50/50 vinegar & water in a squirt bottle and wipe down counter tops, appliances, vanity’s and mirrors. If you have stone surfaces clean with soap and water, dry then squirt alcohol on a rag and wipe them clean to disinfect. Don’t use vinegar on marble or granite. If you can use vinegar in your home it fades rather quickly absorbing all odors. It’s incredible. If you dislike the smell get over it. You don’t notice it after a while because it fades like I said. But it does the trick.
- Change air filters
- Kitchen sinks are the dirtiest part of the home- dump baking soda in them often, scrub with hot water/soap and wipe dry.
Create A Naturally Fresh Smell In Your Homes
Bring in purifying plants. The best way to create clean air is through lots of greenery. If you struggle with killing them check out this post. If you’re a lover of bright colorful flower plants, sometimes they are not the best for the indoors. Keep those outside and focus on green leaves that oxidize. I talk about the plants that we have in our home a lot but there’s so many more out there that can really improve your homes air quality. Important for that clean smell you all crave so naturally!
- Part with heavy curtains or blinds that attract extreme amounts of dust- getting rid of thick bulky window treatments is ever so crucial in healthy, fresh smells. These items don’t get washed nearly enough and odors cling to them. Febreeze is not your friend here
- Empty the fridge and garbage often- food smells are the culprit in every home. Tossing expired, leftovers and using baking soda in the refrigerator will help immensely. Also, store food in air tight containers. Take the garbage out daily. There seems to be a rule that applies in most homes that filling the bag is necessary before disposing of it. Errr, wrong. You don’t have to wait until the bathroom bins are full to empty. Transfer them to the kitchen bin and if the kitchen bin doesn’t fill up daily then use smaller bags. Getting these out of the house is money
- Scoop cat poop daily- we found the best litter that clumps their urine into brick balls and it’s such a relief
I’m always cleaning the kitchen sink as mentioned above but the disposal is the enemy. Baking soda snob here! I cannot live without it, especially in this room. Dumping it right in the disposal with a lemon or a cup of vinegar does the trick.
I personally do not use the baking soda hack on our carpets because we have a water filter vacuum that naturally sucks up odors and deep debris within the floors ten times better! Worth every bit of investment if you’re a carpet lover!
That Fresh Clean Smell In Our Homes Without The Chemicals
Here’s a simple hack that I do using a squirt bottle: from time to time I take vinegar and squirt in the corners of the house and along window sills. I think it neutralizes odors and you don’t have to wipe anything up. Spray and leave. Just a mist or two. You don’t saturate it. Although when doing my bathroom floors, I just dump straight vinegar and clean with a microfiber mop or towel. This helps if you have little boys who miss the potty often!!
When it’s warm and breezy I like to open some windows that don’t get a ton of natural light in and run the ceiling fans. I then load the wash and do laundry because the smell alone from this helps freshen the house quite a bit.
Homemade Aromatherapy Melts
Melt coconut oil in a double boiler and add your favorite essential oils (6-10 drops), stir well. 1/2 cup of coconut oil is all you need and to make it less toxic because some essential oils are harsh on lungs and pets, simple do a few drops. A little goes a long way. Pour the liquid mix into small molds and harden in fridge. Melt whenever you need a quick scent pick me up.
My favorite essential oils ( less fumes )-
- lemongrass
- citrus
- cedarwood
- mix blends to see how you like them. Peppermint and Eucalyptus are great too
For really quick deodorizers: pour water into the pan, turn on low-medium heat, place cinnamon sticks, orange peels and some vanilla into it. Simmer and enjoy. I never have bay leafs or anything but do love a good fresh mint plant as the scent is neutralizing. Fresh or dried lavender is amaze as well. Place near an open window and voila. Instant freshness.
I often speak about how the inside air of our homes is more toxic than the outside. Breathe in freshness everyday with these simple tips. It’s amazing how much your home smells delicious when you stop masking the odors with candles and plugins. What a difference in your overall health too! Live well. Breathe clean air!
Kitchen Tips To Make Your Homes Smell Fresh and Clean
- Take the garbage out daily
- Dump vinegar in the trash bin weekly to wipe out funky trash odor
- Use baking soda in the disposal and sinks
- Wipe down surfaces daily
- Squirt vinegar in the microwave, let it sit, come back and wipe clean
- Wipe down stove and refrigerator with some warm water and vinegar on a rag
- Use a fresh cut lemon to rub along the base of the sink
- Use castile soap to wash down the exterior cabinets
- Vacuum the interior drawers and cupboards
- Sweep daily, mop once a week
- Place herbs on one of the countertops or above the cabinets

Mint, lavender and basil to name a few. You can also place eucalyptus on a window sill or in a vase by themselves. This is a naturally fresh way to create that crisp clean smell in your homes.
Natural Ways To Keep The Bathroom Smelling Fresh and Clean
- Maintain a clutter free vanity
- Toss empty bottles as needed and condense the others
- Take the trash out and dump into the kitchen bin
- Wipe counters daily with just water and a rag. Same with mirrors
- Use vinegar around the base of the toilets especially if you have boys
- Wipe down toilets often making sure to get the base and back, lids and handles
- Spray down the shower with a 50/50 water and vinegar bottle
- Use a vent or open a window to prevent mildew build up
- Dry surfaces to prevent bacteria build up
- Squirt alcohol on the toilet hardware
- Wash rugs and curtains often
- Clean bathtub with peppermint castile soap
- Vacuum baseboards and wash floors weekly
- Hang eucalyptus in the shower
I hope this gives you a better natural living experience and I will try to update these posts often! Thank you so much for sharing our blog and be sure to share your tips in the comments. Until next time, more coffee please!
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