Boss Blogger Bootcamp: a mini blogging course


Get Started

If you haven’t purchased anything yet through a hosting plan and are just here to grab ideas, that’s perfectly fine too. You’re on a mission to be your own boss and I can see that you already have a BLOG in YOU! 

The Set Up

Your Hosting Plan should include your domain name, managed WP account and be sure to get an SSL. Site security is key to keeping readers on your website longer. Now whether you go with GoDaddy, Kinsta or if you just have a FREE WP account right now…we’re gonna boss up CAM Style!

Managed WP

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with learning on a free platform. However, it needs to be WordPress because that’s what I’m teaching. I recommend a hosting plan (DOT ORG) rather than WordPress (DOT COM) because there’s more flexibility and you aren’t able to delete certain plugins that are managed by the host. The nice thing about the dot com is that there’s a community of bloggers who like your posts and start following/commenting on your content, but you can gain that from your socials. It’s a personal preference. 

woman with long hair wearing sunhat


In this lesson you’ll want to go to your WP dashboard and make sure permalinks is set to post name. This is beneficial BEFORE you start publishing posts so that you don’t break any links. If you don’t see this option on the left side of your dashboard(scroll down) then you have a account and it’s not available unless you upgrade. Go To Settings → Permalinks → Select Post Name (BlueHost already has this set I believe but double check)


What’s In A Name?

Your domain name represents the brand you are building! Nothing too long, something people can remember. Keep it simple. 

You won’t be able to change your user login name that the host gives you but you can go to your WP dash:

edit profile (upper right corner) → scroll down to Display name publicly as and select which name you’d like to show up when leaving comments

woman with red nails typing on laptop

Your Pages Aren’t About You!

Did you know that your pages need to be perfectly equipped with SEO and strategies to help you show up on the front page when someone is searching your services, products, information that can help clients solve a problem.

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How Often Do I Post?

There’s one clear answer here and it’s not often. In the beginning anyway. If you’re very new to blogging, you’ll want to establish a healthy relationship with Google before publishing blog post content and it’s important to know that you don’t have to have thousands of posts to be successful in your business.

Once your website is well established you can start publishing blog posts as often as you like. I like to think a good 6 months to a year into blogging is plenty of time. 

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Boss Up

As a new blogger you want to constantly be having something to write about. These are really nice to put into draft for when you’re in a funk as well

When your blog turns into your brand and you elevate this awesome thing into a career

Top online business tips for stay at home moms, women looking to expand their presence, make more money

Our Approach

Blogging For Business

Niche down. A wide variety of bloggers will have lifestyle blogs that are kind of all over the place. When looking to turn this website into a business that will grow overtime, you’ll want to stick to a niche that clearly represents who you are and what you stand for. Niche down time and time again. I personally went and took my minimalist website and focused on all things chemical free and super simple. I then created another website for other niches.

The key to designing your blog into your brand is really elevating those posts to speak lively about who and what you are.

What do you want your blog to represent?Who is your ideal client. What services or products will you be selling. Craft pages that will lead to paying clients: (landing, lead magnets, home and about pages).

Make sure you have a Woocommerce plugin set up (this helps with SEO whether you have physical or digital products). Keep it professional in appearance, not too over dramatic in terms of ads, clutter, etc. Ditch the blogging mentality- think business instead. Your blog is not just a blog. It’s your brand!

Convert the way you talk to readers. If you used words like hey friend, (I’m guilting of saying Hi Mama’s) in posts, start writing like a business woman. Instead of saying hello at the beginning of each post try something like:

Today we’re discussing______________

In today’s article__________

Yesterday we spoke about ____________, so today I’m bringing _________ to your attention

If you’re looking for _____________, boy do I have a fantastic post for you today!   

Canva Lesson

No, blogging isn’t dead! What do you think these articles you discover and read everyday are shared under? The blog section of every website on the internet.

Blogging Tips

In this section we will be talking about what brings in real, organic traffic so that you don’t have to pay for ads. Keep in mind the things you search for in Google and remember that the key to gaining views is all in how well you play the keyword game, master SEO and hot topics.

  • Master writing material that helps solve real problems
  • Educate your readers on how they can evolve
  • Be yourself, but be about what sells
  • People are attracted to transformation. So if you can help them transform something, they become your go to
  • Build your confidence. Online presence is everything when it comes to your main design, representing yourself with the confidence that attracts…IE: know what you’re talking about so that you build the trust as well

Categories and Tags are relevant to your Search Engine Optimization game. If you’re interested in growing organically, you’ll need to have keywords that spark interest to readers. Categories are best used for broad groupings of topics. For example, if you’re creating a site that reviews pop culture, you might use categories such as Books, Film, and TV. Tags are more specific keywords that you want to use to associate related content. [VIA]. To excel at this you’ll want to go into the dashboard and update these as often as necessary.

In these sections there is an area to highlight the name, slug and description. 


Name: Coffee Recipes

Slug: coffee-recipes


In this section of our blog we are going to be sharing coffee recipes that include gluten free options. Along with your favorite coffee baked goods, we share Starbucks Copycat recipes to make right at home. 

(insert photo that was saved as COFFEE-RECIPES)

You can add a H2 in this section as well: 

Best Homemade Coffee Recipes

Tags are narrowed down further, so I would add Coffee Recipes as my Category and then use keywords like these for my tags: 

dessert porn, homemade baked goods, 3 ingredient recipes, Starbucks Copycat, iced coffee, so on and so forth

Depending on your posts you would want to use the same tags many times throughout your blog articles so that it shows up on Google more. The more topics you write about that have multiple posts in each category and tag, the more readers you’ll receive organically.

Step By Step Guides:

Pinterest Lessons

Pinterest For Business

Switch from personal account to business and either schedule your posts daily or manually share pins throughout. 

Bonus Tip: do not share same link posts in one day- they will flag you as spam and your account will not get pushed out. My thing with Pinning has always been have fun with it. Nothing needs to be that overwhelming.

Attracting Sponsorship

Be sure to have a page set up for your sponsor deals. As you grow as a blogger business you’re not going to want to offer GUEST POSTS on your website. This is because your content is what brings in your money. A lot of people will email you and ask to write a guest post relevant to your content but that’s a way for them to grow (backlinking) and doesn’t really do a ton for you business wise. So avoid doing this.

Instead make sure people know that you offer Paid Sponsorship Posts that will link to their website, socials, products, etc. You set a fee based on how much traffic you get each month. For EX:

  • a blog website getting 200K in traffic per month could offer a written sponsored post for $299
  • a blogger getting 1M+ views a month could charge anywhere from $500-2000
  • Creating Courses Through WP Post

Thank you for joining us in our mini Boss Blogger Bootcamp. Use the hashtag on IG and drop the comments throughout the week. Come back often as new posts and videos will be updated and published throughout the month. You have unlimited access. Go at your own pace. We promote simplicity and are here to support your business journey. 

Introduce yourself and tell us where you’re at in your blogging game.

Coming Soon: New Boss Blogger

In this elevated online course, you’ll master through branding your blog to create that passive income you so desire & deserve. 

  • how to create courses, ebooks and digital products
  • how to keep visitors on your site
  • sponsors elevated
  • pinterest for business (PRO version)
  • email marketing (this is where sales comes from guaranteed)
  • landing pages, SALES FUNNELS
  • using Elementor
  • business essentials (what you absolutely need and what’s a waste of money)
  • how to use FB & IG ads that don’t drain you
  • building a FB group that grows automatically
  • SEO step by step
  • understanding long tail vs short tail in plain english with video guide
  • building an evergreen email list
  • how to write successful seo worthy posts that show up on front page search engines (image, text, etc)
  • canva continued
  • editing, keeping up with trends
  • X community (Boss Bloggers) share unlimited blog post links
  • 1:1 sessions 
  • free blog/site critiques
  • & more & more
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