11 Ways To Create The Best Blog Ever

How To Create The Best Blog Ever. Hey Boss Mama, I’m back with our guide to blogging series and wanted to share 11 ways to create the best blog out there! When first starting a blog you want to have the perfect guide to help you on your new blogging journey. I wish I had these posts back in the day when I started my first mom blog.

How to Create The Best Blog Ever

Having a clear direction in which you want your blog to go means everything. And, I mean everything. It’s really important to do some research if you want to be the best. That doesn’t mean that you cannot start one and update, grow as you go. But, let’s be very clear mama, nobody has time to ‘not’ understand how the blog industry goes. It’s all about dedication, learning and creating constant content. You cannot possibly own one of the best blogs on the web without keeping up. Here’s some helpful ways you can get yours off the ground.

11 Creative Ways To Blog Like A Boss

  • Images– never post an image dark, cluttered or blurry. Always have pictures that are bright, cheery, sized right and edited properly. 9 times out of 10, readers will click the back button if your pics aren’t just right.
  • Write like a pro– proper grammar, fluent sentences and topics that are interesting are what keeps readers on your site for longer than a minute. Practice makes perfect. Re-read before you publish your posts. Proofread 3 times before you post. Quality over quantity. Don’t bunch your sentences up. Break the post apart into sections. More tips here.
  • Know what you’re talking about– if you don’t sound like you know what you’re trying to say, people won’t get it. Tune in. Pretend you’re the reader here. Talk to your viewers like you would in person. Entertainment is everything.
  • Be Attractive– having a clean yet bold site will have your readers tuning in immediately. Messy sites with too many ads are unattractive. Anything that slows your site down is something that I’ve personally been annoyed with when stumbling across a new website. Have less but have enough to grab the readers attention. Choose color options that are easy on the eye but fun.
  • Create a community– when readers comment, respond. Involve yourself on social media sharing your posts and tuning in with what everyone else is going through. Teach new things, add some how to’s to your weekly posts, be a leader and form a bond between your readers and your blogs.
  • Post enough– this is the constant content that I mentioned above. When you first begin your blog you don’t want to look fishy to Google so the new algorithm doesn’t support that. However, the reason I posted within 3 months is because it takes almost that much time or longer for your site to be up and running before your posts will even get seen. Then go in and drop posts like a boss.

Creating The Best Blog Out There

  • Be you– I don’t even know how many times to stress this but do you, be you and believe in you! Don’t lie just to post things. Post the real you and your blog will truly be the best.
  • Positivity Over Negativity– When you create good out of bad that’s even better. I know that if you want the best blog, be positive in all that you do! I don’t need to share the experiences I have encountered as a blogger and a reader, just understand that this one is key to your success.
  • Be Different– Who likes seeing the same stuff on Twitter + IG feeds? Not I. I love something new. Something I have yet to see. If I click on a fashion post link and see the same ol’ same ol’ (like daily outfits) sorry, not sorry…that gets BORING! Stand out. Don’t make a DIY post of the same pottery planter the next blogger just did. PRO TIP: I almost always do a Google search of a topic I’d like to discuss just to see what’s out there. I then base my post ideas on relativity because I want to be different. Yes, there may be the same kinds of Coffee Smoothies, but I created one that had Collagen in it because no one else really did! Of course there are millions of topics on similar things; what I’m saying is DON’T post the SAME exact things. Be different and creative to stand out.

There’s No Greater Fan Than That Of Your Own

  • Be Your Biggest Fan– When you love your blog a lot, people will love it too! Research shows that owning a blog that you celebrate daily really pays off. Be proud. Support your own blogs, share them and learn as you grow.
  • Partner Up– Collab with like minded bloggers, small businesses and form a connection to help your blogs rise to the top. You can’t do it alone so, become business women and start sponsoring each other, supporting each other, connecting, partnering and watch how fast you create the best blog out there!
  • Drink More Coffee– I had to put this in there. Bloggers are all coffee addicts right? If you’re not, you should be! Power up, recharge and get your minds a’ flowin. Coffee is energy. Passion. Creativity. It sparks the juices to get you to be the best. Not that you are not already but hey, we can be BETTER!

I just realized there’s 12 but the coffee one is really just for fun! How do you like your coffee. Do you already have a blog. If not do you want to own one? Comment below and subscribe today for more blog tips coming soon!

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