Hello Mama’s, here’s 6 ways to make your homes smell fresh and clean naturally without the chemicals. As an added bonus I’ve edited this post with kitchen and bathroom cleaning tips as well. The trick to constantly keeping your homes ‘smelling clean’ is to actually clean. But that’s not the only thing. There’s tons…
Start living like a minimalist today by simply incorporating these tips into your lifestyle. When I first learned about minimalism, I realized that I have been living minimal my entire life. Growing up, we barely had food on the table let alone furniture to lie on. I finally understood what the term actually meant…
These money saving laundry tips will have you loving the household chore if you didn’t already. If you’re that mom that hates doing laundry because it piles up faster than you can put the clothing away, this post is for you! Hi! I’m a mom to two grown girls and laundry was, and still…
You may still be wondering about that word minimalism. Having heard of it by now, I’m sure that some of you often think it’s not the right option for you. Minimalism is the act of being free in our personal lives, homes and even with people. I’ve lived this way for several years now…
The Uncluttered Project is a lifestyle movement designed to help you declutter your entire life with challenges, mindset shifts, simplified cleaning routines and so much more. Founder Victoria DeCroce is a decluttering expert focused on minimalism, healthy living and crafting stress free ways to cope. Their mission is to set you free from all…
Here’s 18 Ways To Welcome The No Tox Life. Last year when I went completely chemical free in our home, I felt an instant relief in terms of healthiness. The quality of air was better, the migraines were gone, the house just seemed cleaner and for longer. The no tox life is something that…
Welcome Feng Shui addicts! Let’s talk about some easy ways that you can create wellness in the home through these simple routines. If you’re not familiar with #theunclutteredproject it’s a movement that encourages and helps with decluttering. I’ve been a minimalist for a long time now and really enjoy teaching others how to create…
The 30 Day Decluttering Challenge is powerful…life changing! Let’s do this. Welcome home lovers! This season we are going to be posting individual challenges for the months ahead. If you’re new here, join The Uncluttered Project for a fresh start to minimalism, healthy living and please subscribe because these posts will be updated often…
Hello Mama’s and welcome to our everyday morning cleaning routine! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Victoria and I’m super passionate about living simple through minimalism, monthly decluttering and no tox house cleaning. When we create everyday morning and evening routines we eliminate the overload. We don’t need the added stress…