Hello Mama’s and welcome to our everyday morning cleaning routine! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Victoria and I’m super passionate about living simple through minimalism, monthly decluttering and no tox house cleaning. When we create everyday morning and evening routines we eliminate the overload. We don’t need the added stress in our lives, so doing these same style of household chores daily just makes everything in the home run more smoothly.

Everyday Morning Cleaning Routine
Now because we’ve taken care of our nightly tasks, we should be good to go this morning! If not, no worries Mama. There are several tips in here to lighten the load. And, TRUST me, I’ve totally neglected the morning cleaning schedule a time or two because that’s just L-I-F-E.
However, when you create a lifestyle rather than an old boring chore list, you actually enjoy maintaining a healthy home and what used to be a daunting task is more like a cozy, minimal sense of freedom. Your everyday morning routine should be very basic:
- Make the beds– this may seem like common sense but it’s really not for many people who struggle with mental health issues, depression and anxiety. Get up and make your bed before you leave the room. This creates a balance of structure and sets you up for a productive, healthy day ahead.

I love making the bed because it’s one simple task that makes you feel on top of the world if you’re looking for that extra pick me up. Try it if you don’t already. And stick with it. The more you do something, the more it becomes a habit and the more you feel GOOD about yourself.
Why Making Your Bed Each Day Is Healthy
Studies show that when you make your bed each day you create a healthy lifestyle through habits that lead to success, productivity and a better you. Mentally and physically you just feel better. No Xanax needed. I was at an all time high with my stress levels years ago when my doctor refused to prescribe me any anxiety meds that would help with my job at the time. The only thing I could naturally do was create cleaning routines to help me deal with it all. And it works.

How To Make A Bed Fast & Easy
This only pertains to those of us who already have cleaned our linens (I recommend washing sheets weekly) and made the bed with the pillowcases and sheets in place. Always make sure you have a mattress protector on your beds. It’s crucial, just take my word for it. When you wake up you don’t have to strip the bed completely (unless it’s washing day) to make the bed.
Using organic sheets and one blanket or duvet really helps to make your beds quick and easy! Raise your hand if you’ve ever fought the linens? Yep, me too!
- Line the flat sheet up on each side when pulling towards the head of the bed making sure you cover the sleeping pillows
- Pull the comforter up over the sheets and pillows making sure it’s evenly hung on both sides
- Tuck the blanket under the foot of the bed and along the sides with the sheet underneath
- Throw your extra blankets over the bottom part of the bed, add your throw pillows and voila
I’ll do a more thorough post on how to make a bed coming soon.
Tidy Up The House Every Morning
Picking up the house everyday before heading out is especially important when running a busy household. If you’re tripping over toys, shoes, clothing, etc, it just makes us a little more stressed and no one needs that.
To make tidying up a breeze have baskets and things to toss items in when you’re in a hurry!
Straighten up the things you didn’t the night before. Things I make sure are uncluttered & clean are:
- The counter space– quickly throw old bottles of water away, toss soiled kitchen towels in the wash, run a hot wet rag across the countertops, appliances and sink area, put dishes away and load the dishwasher.
- The kitchen sink– I often make sure this is the cleanest area of the home because of bacteria and viruses.
- Everything is picked up off the floors– make sure things that don’t belong on the floors is in baskets, bins or on a shelf somewhere….everything has a home within the home, even shoes.
- Garbage is empty and ready for a new day.
- Old food is tossed out to make room for dinner leftovers.
- Dirty clothing is in hampers and clean clothes are put away!
- The living space is picked up, blankets folded and furniture straightened.

Stress Free Morning Cleaning Routine
The first rule in anyone’s home is to keep it stress free. Simply create routines in your head that you can accomplish within the timeframe you have during your morning clean ups. If everything doesn’t get done, it’s okay! It’s okay Mama. If you feel good about how you left the house for the day then that’s what is good for you and your home. Nothing is perfect, no matter what you do.
Cleaning in the morning is refreshing for me because I have to go out and clean everyone else’s home and so, when I come back, I want to relax. I give myself at least 2 hours every morning before I leave the house to do what needs to be done. If for some reason I don’t get everything done, I do it when I return (after my shower). Here’s exactly what I do –

Everyday is pretty much the same with some exceptions obviously. It’s whatever is good for you and your home. I just know that I have a structured routine that helps me with my levels of anxiety. It’s nothing OCD at all but it is a simplified house cleaning routine that I live by. It’s rather basic in the morning because I do my deep cleans on different days throughout the month and my nightly cleaning routine really helps.
I hope you are able to use these little tips to get your homes under control if you’re looking to adapt to a minimalist lifestyle and please share your tips below in the comments! We love hearing them. XO- V Until next time, more coffee please.