How To Brand Your Business Through Pinterest

How To Brand Your Business Through Pinterest. Hello my coffee mama’s! If you’ve been a fan for some time now, you know how much I promote Pinterest for business. Pinterest is the #1 place you should be for growing your brands. It’s essential to understand the platform and all the juicy inside secrets to successfully benefit from it. I wish these posts were available for me back when I started my first mom blog. Unfortunately 8 years went by before I taught myself all there is to know. It took some dedication and daily pinning but I’m now over 2 million monthly viewers and have had my pins go viral. I’ll explain why this is so important below. Stick with me!

Growing Your Business Through Pinterest

Pinterest is a search engine much like Google. If you catch someone calling it social media, it totally is not. The platform reaches billions of monthly viewers and if you’re not using it to benefit your business, you should be! At first it can be confusing and that’s why I’ve created these posts.

The first step is making sure that your account is an actual business account. Many users run straight to play the following game and that’s not important at all. Sure, gain some followers by following other accounts but don’t overwhelm yourself trying to reach thousands of friends at first. They can and will come in due time. Focus on your content and building your boards before anything.

Brand Your Business Through Pinterest

  • Set up a business account– I walk through a lot of talk in this post for newbies (updated version coming soon)
  • Create a killer bio– Sometimes it’s the simple things in business that help them grow. Don’t think too hard about this just get a clear message out about who you are and what you’re branding
  • Be professional when creating boards– This is something really important when branding your business. Even if it’s other pins on your boards, you want a look that defines your brand and personality. That means giving your boards proper titles, descriptions and only pinning photos that have healthy links
  • Use photos that are professional– stock photos are your best friend when it comes to creating content for your blogs and pinning to Pinterest. Everyone saves pretty pictures

Best Tips On How To Brand Your Business Using Pinterest

Pinterest accounts that have 10+ Million Monthly Views have been using this platform for years. In order to build anything you must actively utilize it. Now whether you decide to use an app such as Tailwind or manual pin like I do, doesn’t matter; YOU STILL HAVE TO PUT IN THE WORK for it to GROW! I personally do everything organically and that’s mainly because

1.) I’m cheap

2.) I learn more

  • Pin Daily– this is the only way you’re going to learn and become the successful boss that you are! Don’t be afraid to pin more of other people’s stuff than your own. When you first start using Pinterest you need to get familiar with it and that’s one way how to
  • Create Boss Pins– when creating your own content for Pinterest keep in mind the aesthetics and if you’re not using Canva to make your designs, it’s really easy to whip up good photos for your Pinterest accounts. Not to mention your blogs and websites will look so aesthetically beautiful that people will want to do business with you
  • Create A Cohesive Look– it’s important to make designs that define you and your business and when creating content you should always try to make your pictures and graphics look similar. This allows fans to spot your brand fast and easy. When you look at this account you can see that she’s created a cohesive look for her brand

If you’re on social media then I’m sure you’ve attempted to use your stories to promote your brands already. Don’t worry if you haven’t. It’s pretty easy to do and when you’re trying to build a brand for your business you need to learn as much as possible to get your products and/or services out there. Stories is the hottest new trend on Pinterest and they encourage you to post stories often. It’s a new rolled out feature with early access to business accounts. Once again, make sure your account is a BUSINESS account.

Using Pinterest Stories To Build Your Brand

Like I said, stories is a new feature on Pinterest and it’s a little different than IG + FB. When you hit your + PLUS button on your app to create NEW CONTENT, try playing with it to get familiar with how it works.

  • Go to Pinterest and hit the + (plus button) to create new content for your brand
  • Select STORY PIN
  • Add photos or videos to your story
  • If you’re trying to add photos, I like to add 1 at a time because the text design overlaps if you don’t. So select a photo from your phone and hit the NEXT button. You can add text. Swipe left to add another photo and do the same until you’re finished with your story
  • Once you’re done click next or done and type in a TITLE, SELECT A BOARD, DETAILS (this is awesome because you can direct people to your websites and write anything in this area), TAGS– do NOT forget to use your tags, PUBLISH
  • Wait for your new story to upload and then view it. You can edit once it’s published

Using Pinterest stories to build your brand is crucial. You can get creative with fun messages, tutorials and promote your products through this new feature. In an effort to grow your brands you must try to access this platform often throughout the week. It sends a signal to Pinterest that you are an important user!

Pinterest Tips For Building A Brand

You are now a business promoting your brand through Pinterest which means that your business account should no longer be used for personal reasons. If you had a personal account with pins that don’t relate to your business and that’s the account you’re now using to build a brand, delete them. Only pin what’s healthy and by that I mean you never know who might be scoping out your boards, so if you like food, DIYS and such….that’s perfectly fine to pin. Just don’t pin things that are negative, etc, etc.

  • Go through old posts and delete anything not related to your brand
  • Organize your boards to give them boss titles, descriptions and make sure the pins are in the right categories
  • Go through and delete pins with ZERO saves or clicks
  • Create new pins with new photos, proper titles and hashtags
  • Do NOT pin just any photo. Many pins have bad links so make sure that you’re not going on a rampage just pinning anything. This is not healthy pinning. You can get familiar with what pins are good and which ones aren’t by looking at the title and description before pinning the picture
  • Clean up your boards and pins monthly
  • Dedicate more time on Pinterest than any other platform because once again, it’s a search engine with 3 BILLION monthly users
  • Make sure your bio, profile pic and link to your website is verified & professional- go to settings, CLAIM and follow the process to verify your site through Pinterest

Building a brand through Pinterest is totally the boss thing to do for you and your new business! It’s rewarding when you achieve an abundance of views and clicks to your website which ultimately leads to more sales and returning customers. Don’t miss this opportunity like I did so many years ago. Boss status. You’ve got this mama!!

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Be yourself. Learn all there is to know. Don’t give up. Put yourself out there.

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