Easy Homemade Dog Treats

If your dog is anything like ours and thinks he deserves a treat after every time he goes potty, here’s how to make some easy homemade dog treats they’ll love. I enjoy a good ol’ DIY anything. Our dog is super high maintenance and picky af when it comes to eating. Yours too? I feel you fur mama. Let’s whip up some snacks for not only the holiday season but year round.

Homemade Dog Treats + Food

You probably have some ingredients already in your homes. I love to mash Jack some rice, veggies, and chicken or beef when we’re whipping up our dinner. He gets so excited. We’ve tried expensive dog food that goes in the fridge but he just doesn’t like it.

Instead of making doggy treats in the oven (saves time), you can opt to just mush a nice treat for your fur baby with those simple ingredients I listed above. Make sure the ingredients are free from wheat because a lot of dogs have allergies to that specific ingredient.

Wet Dog Food

You’ll Need:

  • Organic Chicken or Beef Chopped Finely
  • Cooked Rice, Chilled
  • Carrots, Peas and any other cooked/raw veggie your dog may enjoy

Simply mash together on a small plate and watch your dog go num num.

DIY Dog & Puppy Biscuits

Now, if you’re in the mood for baking a delicious tasty dessert for your puppy loves, these homemade baked dog treats are fun, neat and I mean…who doesn’t love a cookie, right.

Full Disclaimer: allergy alert- allow your dog to taste test before giving him a full treat. Yes, dogs can develop allergies overtime as they age. Our dog is almost 9 years old and super picky, high maintenance.

I’ll usually dip the very tip of his biscuit in peanut butter and let him lick it off. But, I don’t give him a lot.

There’s all kinds of cookie cutters for dog biscuits on the market, but how fun is this Williams Sonoma Non Stick Puppy Love Pan.

diy puppy biscuits

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • 1 Cup Peanut Butter (if you’re doing this version) or Almond Butter
  • Cinnamon, Ginger or Pumpkin spice (you can add a dab of all three if you wish)
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Cups Whole wheat flour or Rice flour if your pup has allergies


Preheat oven to 350° F

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper if you’re not using the non stick pan listed above.

Pour the flour into the large bowl, mix in eggs, peanut butter, cinnamon and whisk or mix with blender. Get in there with your hands if necessary. More fun. Roll the dough on a countertop sprinkled with some flour. Add more flour if too gooey.

Set aside to chill in fridge for 30-60 minutes.


Once the dough has chilled you can roll out and cut with cookie cutter.

Other Dog Treat Recipes

Easy 3 Ingredient All Natural Treats

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