Casey Anthony Reveals Truth In Peacock TV Interviews


After being acquitted in 2011, Casey Anthony sits down 12 years later with supportive defense team proclaiming her innocence in the killing of her 2 year old daughter Caylee. In her new documentary, streaming on Peacock TV, Casey breaks down multiple times revealing the abuse from her childhood, how she thinks her daughter died and clues in her statements that could mean the original thoughts of what actually happened are true while she got away with murder.

In her interview, Casey states, “She (referring to Caylee) would never just leave me there!” Talking about how she went to sleep while her daughter was beside her. Explains that Caylee would never just get up and leave the room. If in fact she was asleep, she has no idea where her daughter disappeared to.

Where The Truth Lies: Peacock TV Anthony Documentary

Casey Anthony, nicknamed “Tot Mom” during her trial became the most hated woman in America. Led detectives on a wild goose chase in regards to finding her daughter who was reported missing by her grandmother, Cindy Anthony on July 15, 2008. Following her not guilty verdict, Casey has been living a secluded life working on cold cases for one of her defense team lawyers. She spends most of her days capturing photographs of nature, walking quiet trails.

Did Casey Anthony Reveal The Truth About Caylee’s Death In This Series

Going deep into the conversations while Casey was revisiting the apartment complex that supposed ‘Zanny the Nanny’, Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez lived in, she talks about what she did with Caylee on the nights when she didn’t want to leave her at home with her parents. After making this statement it is believed by most that she SLIPPED up and blurted the truth out by mistake.

Caylee was either with me at night or with my mom. There was no 3rd party. There was no other person. I didn’t trust anyone else to watch her overnight. The whole nanny thing started because there were times where I wanted to have a night with my friends but I also wanted to have my daughter with me because I knew my father was going to be home. So I told my mom, “I’m gonna drop her off with my friend Zanny.” Ya know, that was actually how that started, when Caylee was actually with me- Casey Anthony via Peacock TV Interview

Casey alleges her father had been abusing her since she was 8 years old.

In several interviews over the past 10 years, the Anthony’s (mother + father) have disputed facts about their lifestyle. Many times the couple walked off the show that was being aired to take breaks.

Claiming her parents just did the interviews for money, she also makes note of what George says in these clips mentioning that he did the same things to Caylee that he did to her growing up because he said, “I will miss the smell of her sweat!”

She explained that she walked around the house and as she headed to the front, she saw her father George standing there holding Caylee. She was soaking wet, according to Casey. But, moments before this she stated that there was NO WAY she could have fallen into the pool because the ladder was up. Watch this at 48 sec to 57 secs. She’s assuming he dipped her into the water to cover up what he had done to her.

Again, many misconstrued statements by Casey.

I’m no body language expert but watch her mouth, the way she moves it when she tells a lie.

Have you watched this on Peacock?

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