31 Stress Free Ways To Ring In The New Year
It’s always a passion of mine to promote slow living, healing and wellness through minimalism, decluttering, and natural cleaning so let’s ring in the new year stress free.

Stress Free Ways To Ring In The New Year
Being the homebody that I am, I tend to remain casual and simple when celebrating the New Year. I love tidying up the house fairly quickly after Christmas just because we’ve enjoyed plenty of holiday delight over the month of December and I’m no procrastinator.
- Introduce all natural, simple cleaning routines to your schedule. I’m all about doing things in smaller tasks just to prevent the overwhelm
- Don’t clutter the entryway. I recently shared some Feng Shui tips on our social media and one thing I try to avoid is having a lot going on in our foyer. It’s important to keep the door areas clear so that positive energy can flow easily
- Curate a minimalist wardrobe and organize your pieces for the upcoming new year
- Invite only a few friends to celebrate with. Whether that’s your close relatives, just you and your spouse, a best friend, sister or another mama bear; keep the energy vibrating high and healthy from the start [Learn How To Ditch The Negative People In Your Life Now]
- Use this time to heal. Focus on renewing yourself and really being good with being alone sometimes. Nature, yoga, meditation, affirmations, therapy, facials. massage and coffee dates by yourself
Bringing In The New Year
In recent years I’ve actually been under the weather so, this year is rather exciting for me. My wellness tips have paid off…listen to your bodies and take the time to pamper yourselves with self care. It’s the best thing we can do for ourselves. And, quite honestly, each other.

- Read a new book– I was gifted “Finding Me” by Viola Davis and I’m ready to indulge with a hot cup of tea (yes this mama likes tea too…earl grey is my fave)
- Journal– Writing on paper isn’t easy for me since I’m arthritic but, if you have the patience to start a personal blog, I highly recommend. It’s very therapeutic to say the least
- Bake something different– I tested positive for food allergies last month and ever since I’ve been adapting to this new style of living. For Christmas, we spent it with my 82 year old mother in law, I made a 2 ingredient gluten, allergy free fudge. I tweaked it just a tinge but it was super delicious
- Start writing your own book– If you have been dying to write your own book, now is the time. I’m telling you to go write it, it’s a sign
- Clean and clear your bedroom to not only sleep better but this gives you a better outlook on life, the days ahead and helps gain clarity
- Declutter your beauty products
- Social detox– There’s nothing better than relieving yourself from posting online. It’s therapy for sure
- Unsubscribe– Go through and delete the subscriptions you barely ever use. We don’t have too many but if you do there’s a great app that helps you do this
Ways To Promote Wellness In The Home
Smudge the home to free the space of the old energy that lived there. This is something I do on a fairly regular basis depending on who enters our house.
Take a sage stick and light, be sure to cover the entryway doors by smudging the exterior and interior door, go through the home in a back and forth motion. This cleans the air of impurities allowing you to start fresh again with positive energy.
Start the New Year off with a clean fridge. Eliminate all the left over foods and do a quick wipe out with white vinegar on a rag. Replace your refrigerator with healthy, toxic free food.
- Embrace the calmness, no noise rule
- Create a sanctuary just for you
- Prune your plants. Don’t let the brown leaves fall to the floor or take up space in your houseplants pot (this is their home and they deserve to be cleaned too)
Ringing In The New Year
- Listen to a new podcast
- Sign up for a membership at your local gym, YMCA or somewhere that offers a peaceful zen like water therapy, sauna, yoga, etc
- Write a goals list. Seems awkward for many but trust me this helps when trying to declutter your entire life.
- Move the photos from your phone to a disc or storage on your computer to free up your phone space for all the new photographs you’re going to take this year
- Window shop, don’t actually spend
- Return anything that can be so that your home isn’t holding space for things that cannot be used
- Take a day to volunteer at a local shelter or foster a pet
- Walk your neighbors dog
- Drop off any linens, games, unopened products to the elderly homes in your community
- Donate 2 garbage bags full of clothes you no longer want or need
- Clean your car out and get a car wash
- Write a lengthy email to someone you haven’t talked to in a while
- Rearrange your furniture
Ring in the New Year safe, happy and simple. Don’t go anywhere you don’t want to go just because you feel like you can’t say ‘no’. NO is the new word to focus on. 2023 is all about creating the person you deserve to be! You matter. You deserve the best.

Until next time, more coffee please!
Definitely including these new things to me in 2024!