When you are out of cleaning supplies remember how much bacteria is in your typical household sponge.
How often do you replace your sponges? On average people will buy new sponges every couple of months. As a house cleaner, I’ve witnessed some homes holding onto their kitchen sponge for dear life…like, until it falls apart. Gross! I say ditch the sponge and here’s why:
Why I Stopped Buying Your Typical Household Sponge
I absolutely love a clean sponge. It’s not only important to pay attention to this specific item when shopping, but to really consider what it entails when it is in your homes. My favorite brand is durable, minimal and doesn’t trap bacteria as much as the foam sponges. Once it gets discolored, I toss. But those are currently the only ones that I will use if absolutely necessary. If I’m cleaning someone’s home I will wear gloves when moving their sponge to clean the sink off.
I now use eco friendly sponges because they don’t harbor nearly as much bacteria, easy to store and don’t trap water like the typical household sponge does.

Stores haven’t really rolled out the eco friendly scrubby brushes but you can find them in the house cleaning section at Home Goods, Marshalls and even TJMaxx. It’s more of a convenience thing when you’re at the grocery store to purchase the sponges that are far from healthy for you and your families. I get it. I also grab just to grab. However, it’s the one thing in our homes that harbors more bacteria than the toilet seat. So today, I’m much more mindful.
Washing Your Sponge Doesn’t Mean It’s Clean
If you thought that hack you’ve heard about; microwaving and dishwashing your sponge will clean it, think again friends. Studies show that bacteria actually clings to clean more than unclean. This could be because pathogen-related bacteria are more resistant to cleaning and rapidly recolonize the areas abandoned by their susceptible brethren—similar to what happens to our gut after an antibiotic treatment, the scientists say (via).
Bacteria is attracted to water and since your sponge never fully dries out, it’s considered to be the dirtiest thing in homes.
Do yourself and your families a favor and throw the sponge away once you notice it getting soiled.
Typical Household Sponge Facts
Now because the sponge is the most filthy thing in your homes, I recommend this :
- Toss and use a new one at least every week if not sooner
- Go green and switch to eco friendly scrubby brushes such as these

The bristles on these brushes dry out between uses, which prevents bacteria from clinging to them. They are comprised of 100% plant based fibers making them vegan and eco friendly.
Learn how to clean your kitchen sinks properly
The fantastic thing about these eco friendly scrubby brushes are that they clean more than just dishes.
- Use to clean your bathtubs
- Scrub pots and pans easier
- Scrub out sinks faster
- Release food stains quick and easy
- Great for carpet spot cleaning
- Quickly get up stains off the floor
- Exterior cabinet cleaning
- Brush out stains on fabrics and clothing
- and so much more
Switching From Your Typical Household Sponge To An Eco Friendly Scrub Brush
When you are finished using your brush simply store in a glass jar or hang on a hook near/under the sink. These can also be dipped in vinegar for fast removal of food, stains, etc.
I use twine rope just to attach the brush either around the base of my faucet or on a nail near my upper window. I find that placing it flat and upward (with the wood upward) it dries really quickly after using.
Do not place in the dishwasher as the wood will just ruin overtime and as mentioned earlier it doesn’t disinfect like most think it does.
One of the things I do on a daily basis is clean out the kitchen sink. It’s not negotiable. I rarely allow dirty dishes to pile up and keep on top of this task more than anything else in our home. It’s really just about maintaining a healthy environment for us and there’s no need to stress about it (especially if you have a big family). Just create a routine that is followed through to live well.
Tips For Cleaning Dishes Fast & Easy
When creating your everyday cleaning routines just go simply and smoothly. If you have an overflow in your cupboards, meaning excess dinnerware; try downsizing a little each month. This helps clean the dishes more frequently and avoids pile up.
Stick to the numbers game : if you have 4 people in your family, times that by 2. So at the max 8 dinner plates, 8 bowls, 8 knives/forks/spoons. Cups and mugs shouldn’t be overflowing the cabinets. How many of us only use our favorite mugs daily? Keep this in mind to maintain a fresh clean kitchen space.
How many times do you run the dishwasher?
If you do not have a dishwasher and wash by hand, simply
- use a thin washcloth for faster cleaning
- rinse the dishes immediately after use
- dump some vinegar in dishes with stuck on food stains and let sit before washing
- use a scrubby brush for quick sink and dish cleaning
- wash as soon as possible
- switch to castile soap for faster washing and drop some lemongrass oil in the washing solution

18 Ways To Welcome The No Tox Life
When I went no tox, I decided that I was going to try really hard to go green along with tossing cleaning products with chemicals in them. I had a really hard time letting go of certain cleaners just because I’ve been cleaning for nearly 28 years and so, it took me a little longer than some. It’s often a lot harder than saying, just toss and clean with old fashioned household recipes.
Ditch The Tox – Eco Friendly Household Sponge Movement
The one thing that I didn’t have a hard time with was tossing the everyday household sponge that typically lies on our sinks harboring more bacteria causing pathogens. I’m a germaphobe so ordinarily I just get disgusted with dirty things. Throwing the typical household sponge away was really easy for me. I never once tried salvaging it because to me that was just gross. I just bought new ones until I discovered the vegan brushes.
Today I just use the eco friendly brushes. I personally love using them on the bathtubs and sinks more than washing dishes with them. I tend to use a little washcloth if I’m handwashing or stick them in the dishwasher. For many this won’t be an easy transition but it’s definitely worth living healthier.
What’s your favorite household sponge?
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