3 Fast and Easy Ways To Make Money This Weekend


Are you someone who needs to make money fast? Here’s some quick and easy ways to score some cash all in one weekend. My absolute number one option is Facebook when I need money fast. It’s a great outlet for sharing things that need to be sold and people love a great deal.

how to make money fast

Facebook Marketplace– this is probably one of the fastest ways to make money in a weekend. Post your items for sale on a Thursday(honestly any day for that matter). This allows you enough time to get it sold by Sunday. Don’t overprice because it won’t sell fast. Take clear photos with nothing in the background. Be descriptive and respond to questions fast. Things that sell fast: furniture || electronics || high end clothing and perfume || baby furniture || good condition mattresses || plants || phones || gift cards || lawn equipment + tools just to name a few.

Login in to your facebook account and click on Marketplace. It’s either on the left sidebar from your laptop or from your phone it’s an icon on the bottom.

You’ll want to make sure the Location is set to your current area and then you can hit that sell something tab and start listing your stuff for sale! Creatives now can set up their Marketplace profile which makes selling more fun. It’s your own shop on Facebook.

From there it pretty much walks you through it. Choose shipping or local pick up only. Make sure you publish it.

ways to quickly make some cash

3 Fast And Easy Ways To Make Money This Weekend

Plato’s Closet– If you’re a guy, hold on…you too can sell your stuff here! It’s a quick way to purge your closets and make some dough. The key is calling and asking what they are looking for. That’s important because you don’t want to go trying to sell your summer stuff in the winter if they aren’t accepting those types of items. Things that sell fast: name brand jeans || Hollister hoodies || authentic purses || Victoria’s secret || name brand book bags || like new items. If you don’t have a local Plato’s Closet consider trying some consignment shops that allow you to sell outright.

PC is also a great way to get your teens enticed to clean out their closets. I had my daughter declutter her clothing that she never wears and the only way to get her to let go was to tell her she could make money off them. We went into Plato’s and they bought

  • A gently used Adidas book bag
  • Like new Juicy Couture black leggings
  • No name brand short jean shorts
  • Myrtle Beach sweatshirt
  • A Simply Southern sweatshirt
  • Rue 21 Long Sleeve Floral Jacket

Cash paid- $27.50

Not bad for a teen trying to get rid of some things she never wears anymore. They do pay a decent amount.

BTW: if you don’t have a Plato’s Closet check out Mercari, Poshmark, or Etsy.

You can also sell high end handbags on The Real Real.

Quick Ways To Make Some Cash

Let Go– This app allows you to pretty much sell anything really fast. Just like the FB marketplace; don’t overprice and do it on a Thursday eve to get weekend sales. Take good pics and enjoy some extra cash flow. Not sure what really sells? Just browse and you’ll find out pretty fast what sells and what doesn’t. It also looks like you can list right from your laptop now too!

I used to sell canvas paintings (specifically animals) really fast on FB. When I wanted to declutter my clothes and stuff I barely used, I went to Plato’s Closet. I didn’t think they’d give me $40 for a book bag but they do pay a decent amount. My sister gets quite a bit for her Victoria’s Secret items. However, they didn’t take my daughter VS sweatshirt, so it’s definitely hit or miss.

Pro Resale Tip:

Hunt for really cheap clothing deals at Goodwill and Thrift stores if you want to be an Ebay seller or even just to resell at Plato’s Closet or something. I’m no longer a power seller on Ebay, but do sell Vintage mugs and households on Etsy for side money. The only way to sell fast on those sites is to have more than 200 items in your shop at all times. That way something is likely to sell overnight.

If you have enough time to prepare, craft shows and weekend rummage sales will bring in some money just because. Look at your local FB events and see what’s going on for the flea markets. An 8 ft table can be as cheap as $15 in some areas and you get to sell pretty much anything you want.

That’s it for now! Enjoy selling and making some cash this weekend. Share your tips below in the comments. Until next time, hustle hard my coffee addict friends.

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