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At Home With Olivia

Meet Olivia, a stay at home mom to three little girls living in a small Georgia town.

Fun facts about Olivia:

I am an introvert. I could be alone in my house for days without speaking to a soul and I would not only be fine, but feel totally rejuvenated. Alone time is what keeps me going.

I rearrange the furniture often. And sometimes swap my kids’ bedrooms. My husband never knows what he’ll come home to.

Olivia loves staying at home and shares her best tips on At Home With Olivia. In this decluttering post she crafts ways to go more minimal without the overwhelm.

She describes what it’s like to prioritize self care as a busy mama and a wife:

If you’re like most women, the term “self-care” might feel a little indulgent. After all, there are mouths to feed, laundry to fold, and relationships to nurture. But here’s the truth: when you take care of yourself, you’re better equipped to take care of everyone else. You’re not just the glue that holds everything together; you’re the heart and soul of your home. And a happy, healthy heart beats stronger, of that there is no denying. 

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