18 Ways To Welcome The No Tox Life

Here’s 18 Ways To Welcome The No Tox Life. Last year when I went completely chemical free in our home, I felt an instant relief in terms of healthiness. The quality of air was better, the migraines were gone, the house just seemed cleaner and for longer. The no tox life is something that I …

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30 Day Decluttering Challenge

The 30 Day Decluttering Challenge is powerful…life changing! Let’s do this. Welcome home lovers! This season we are going to be posting individual challenges for the months ahead. If you’re new here, join The Uncluttered Project for a fresh start to minimalism, healthy living and please subscribe because these posts will be updated often throughout …

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How To Speed Clean Before Bed

Your nightly clean up around the house should be simple and stress free. If you’re overwhelming yourself, stop. The floors don’t need to be cleaned as much as you think they do. Now, if you maintain a healthy morning routine then this edition should be rather breezy. And relaxing! Nightly Cleaning Routine Assuming we keep …

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How To Properly Clean Your Kitchen Sinks

Hello Mama’s! It’s the talk of the town and I’m here to share the absolute best way to clean your kitchen sinks. I mention all of the time that the kitchen sink harbors more bacteria than your toilets, so let me just say this once and for all; Yes, there’s a proper way to clean …

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best floor cleaning tips

Housekeeping Hacks : Floors 101

Whether your floors are laminate, hardwood, ceramic tile, or marble; it doesn’t really matter as long as you know how to clean them! It’s important to know that floors don’t need a lot of attention to maintain that natural beautiful look you’re trying to achieve. Everyone wants that perfect shiny floor yet, they’re constantly confusing …

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6 Ways To Make Your Homes Smell Fresh & Clean

Hello Mama’s, here’s 6 ways to make your homes smell fresh and clean naturally without the chemicals. As an added bonus I’ve edited this post with kitchen and bathroom cleaning tips as well. The trick to constantly keeping your homes ‘smelling clean’ is to actually clean. But that’s not the only thing. There’s tons of …

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