Naturally most of us think Vitamin C is the ultimate immune boosting supplement and while I think it’s wonderful, it’s not the first thing I run to when I feel like my body needs an immediate recharge. Over the years, yep….mama’s getting older, I’ve learned how to listen to my body more and take control when it feels weakened.

Boost Immunity Fast
Lack of sleep is a big one for myself because I’m often deprived. As I pay closer attention to my health needs, I force sleep now more than ever. It’s essential. Trust me, you’re not missing out on anything and I think as moms we worry far too much. It needs to be one of our main priorities for longevity. Begin there if you feel like your body is lacking anything.
- get well rested- studies show lack of sleep causes brain deterioration and mental problems, gut issues and can even cause stroke
- stay hydrated- mix a lemon in your water first thing in the morning and do this before drinking your coffee
- destress- too much stress will kill us. make sure you’re monitoring it and being mindful of how to reduce stress

this one trick boosts your immune system really fast
I’ve shared with you how important a lymphatic shower is and it’s the way you end the shower that really boosts your immune system fast. Always end your shower with cold water. Taking a 30 second freezing (if you can tolerate it) cold shower will jolt your body into shock sending signals to your brain that triggers the ultimate boost in your immunity.
- you’ll feel amazing afterwards
- do this daily for several weeks to get the most out of boosting your immune system
- no more supplements needed
- revitalizes, energizes, promotes healthy living

Ways To Boost Immune System Naturally
Getting a daily dose of Vitamin D is also key to feeling good. Many of us can’t get that natural sunlight we crave but you can take a supplement that in my opinion, works better than Vitamin C. However, get the sun if you can. Just 10 minutes a day can really boost your immune system. I like to go out first thing in the morning and sit on my porch to take it all in. Feels so good. Even if you unroll your car window on the way to work. Get that sunshine.
- eat better meals & snacks- I was honestly the worst eater but now I’m really loving blueberries
- toss lemon and cucumber into your water
- relax- do household tasks in slower motion, be mindful with everything you do…slow it down
- embrace your feminine energy
- clean your home with toxic free products like baking soda, Castile soap…ditch the chemicals that wreak havoc on your immune system
- breathe properly
- yoga and meditation
- open your windows, doors to remove toxins from your home fast. do this for 15 minutes each day

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