time management tips

10 Successful Time Management Tips


Time management can be a struggle for any blogger or business owner. It’s one of those things where you have to make it a lifestyle or else. If you work a 9-5 and love to blog but keep reminding yourself that there’s no possible way…there actually is. It’s called structure and balance. So, today we’re discussing how you can successfully conquer time management when blogging or running your small business. No stressing. All of this is quite possible no matter how busy we get!

Every business needs a blog. It’s that important. Number one, it shows your clients who you really are and number two, it boosts your SEO. Blogging is a full time job. If someone told you it’s all fun and games, it’s not! Yes, it is! Haha. But, it is a business in itself. Treat it as such.

1.) Set a schedule– Each morning when you wake take 2 hours to dedicate to blogging updates, meetings, phone calls, emails. This allows you plenty enough time to start drafts, schedule posts, get started and feel accomplished. I make it a habit to log into my WP account before anything else. Even if I open other things like; emails, social, etc. At least I’m logged in and that way I remember to finish making headway.

2.) Make it top priority– I know, we all have kids and routines that don’t revolve around blogging, our websites. Now it’s time to actually fit it into your day like, HEY, GIRL HEY! If you make yourself eat everyday, then make yourself write everyday. It’s almost treating it like a best friend. If you think of it as a priority and not a task, you will definitely become more accustom to creating, coming up with content.

Successful Time Management Tips

3.) Get a vision boardgrab a board that you can tack notes and photos too! This helps me visualize my goals and follow through with them. Just glancing at an inspirational saying will help you move mountains. It’s also great for little reminders. If you work from home or even if you don’t, get one now!!! When you’re out and a blog post idea comes to mind, write it down and then tack to the board when you get home or to your office.

4.) My Favorite– More coffee please! There’s something about a gal, her mug, and a desk! Make some coffee and get to work. Ideas will start flowing and you’ll have a reason to create. Just because your business is not related to something, doesn’t mean that you cannot post about it. Yes, you want it to be relevant but keep in mind, your blog is your blog. Talk about whatever you wish. Here’s a PRO TIP: if your business is about clothing, post ‘10 Ways to Wear A Blouse‘. Something along those lines. You get it! It’s so easy to create topics. It’s just actually getting them written and published. But, remember it’s key to your success, so it’s a must. And starting with hot headlines will push you through.

5.) The 3 Times A Day Rule– If you’re as busy as most of us truly are, you have to apply this rule. It goes hand in hand with social media as well. The 3X day rule. The morning, noon and night trick. If you don’t have time in the morning to attack a post, then attempt in the afternoon. If that fails there’s tonight. If that doesn’t work, there’s always tomorrow.

HOWEVER, if you train your brain to think about your blogging at least three times a day, you will start doing it.

Time management is all about scheduling, routines and structure.

Once you constantly think about blogging/writing articles for your business, it becomes a part of your life.

10 Successful Time Management Tips

6.) Passion + Learning– The real struggle with blogging is the fact that you may lose interest or you may not fully understand it. Think about your passion. It’s probably your business, your life in general, where you want to be 5 years from now and what excites you. You begin to learn new things and find a way to complete those management tasks when you fall in love with it. Blogging is a driven passion. You either need to already be in love with it or teach yourself to enjoy it.

7.) Relax– I allow myself one day per week to escape the internet, blogging, networking, cleaning, juggling parenthood and everything else life brings. Pull back the sanity by taking time to rest! If you need 2 to start, go slowly. By giving yourself breaks in between, you rejuvenate. Just like anything else in life. We manage our time to get the kids to/from school, be on time for work, make it to appointments. Do the same for your websites.

8.) Make it fun– What’s a blog if it’s no fun. Boring posts are gonna have you quitting in no time. Create graphics, take nice photographs, write topics you like. Find the joy in it. Grasp inspiration by scrolling Pinterest about blogging and things you like.

9.) Focus– One thing I always try to remember is focusing on the top things in my life that I have to do in order to succeed. Whether you’re working more than 2 jobs or not, the priority lies within what’s most important to us. If running a website is too confusing, stay tuned…we’re going to be offering a ton of helpful tips to get you to your goals.

10.) Sounds Cliche– but don’t give up! Whatever you need to do to get back in the game, relax, rest, clear your mind and then jump back on board the moment you feel alive and well again.

Bonus Tip: always use your laptop or a desktop. It’s so much easier to write everything out on a bigger screen!

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