Sponsored By THE UNCLUTTERED PROJECT If you’re new here, get cozy we’ve got a lot of good stuff going on. The Uncluttered Project is on a mission to help you eliminate the overload, break free from anything and everything that is invading your space; mentally, physically and emotionally. What I love about this course…
What is greenwashing and how can we as consumers identify it/put an end to it? Hello my coffee addict mama’s! If you’re new here, say hi and welcome to the real NO TOX LIFE. I think it’s safe to say that not a lot of people understand the term Greenwashing, so today I wanted…
This weeks giveaway for Freebie Friday is a guide all moms could use to help eliminate the overload with house cleaning. Go more minimal with ease and let go of everything that’s invading your space. If you have yet to join The Uncluttered Project, head over and get a jumpstart on your spring cleaning.…
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a very stress free house cleaner and that means there’s musts when cleaning your home daily. Some of you follow cleaning trends that focus on deep cleans every so often. Whether that’s once a month, every other month or just a deep spring cleaning; as…